Sunday 23 April 2017

Episode 56 - A Little Word of Thanks

This week seems to have been a bit of a blur. I think I’ve spent half of it asleep and the other half only half awake. It’s not the first week that’s been like this, but I am very aware that during weeks like this I’m not particularly great at human interaction. I am blessed all the time by so many people in so many ways. From the kindness of doctors who patiently listen to me, to the enduring love of precious friends who deliver timely encouragements. On weeks like these however, I know that I don’t show the appreciation that I feel, and for that I’m sorry. I fear that I’m not able to show gratitude for the patience and kindness shown by those who speak to me. Some letters and e-mails which I receive I don’t respond to at all, and when I do respond, I’m not sure that they make any sense at all let alone convey my deep appreciation. Now I am sure that those concerned understand and I have often been told by those who write to me that I do not need to respond, but this desire does not come from a sense of duty. I want to show my appreciation because these acts really do make a difference to me. And so that is what this post is for. Even though I know that many of the people I am talking about will never read this. Somehow that doesn’t seem to matter. There seems to be something about acknowledging the good things in life and those who do good things, whether they know it or not. So here’s to all of you reading this and all of you who never will, that together make my life better – Thank you. And I thank God for each of you too.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for keeping us informed of your condition. I'm still reading. Best wishes for a recovery and hopefully return to PNG.
