Some weeks when I come to write my blog I know exactly what
I want to say. More often than not however, I have no idea at all. I sit at my
computer desperately thinking over the past week, searching for something worth
saying. I think and I pray and eventually an idea comes to mind. I think about
this idea and pray about it and it grows into something more tangible. I start
to write, trying to build a story, trying to work out where the main sections
of the story should go. Then when they’re in place I work out exactly how I’m
going to tell the story, often deleting parts just to find exactly the right
word, until in the end the blog is complete.
As I sat thinking about this as I came to write this blog I
realised how similar in some ways this is to life. Sometimes in life I know
exactly what I want to happen and where I am going. More often than not
however, I haven’t got a clue. Sure I often know the very big picture, like
knowing that I want to write a blog, but everything else is just a mystery.
Having a blank canvas can be scary and even overwhelming. Discerning where or
even how to start can seem impossible. I can all too easily get distracted with
all the possibilities that I fail to see what I already have to build upon. I’ve
heard it said that God gives enough grace to deal with what will happen today,
not all the things that could happen tomorrow. Remembering this helps me to
remember to apply the process of blog writing to life, and to be patient, to
take it step by step and allow God to lead me where He wants me, in the order
that He wants. There is no point getting the wording just right if I am writing
about the wrong thing! And patient I must be, because just as the stories of
life are so much fuller than those of a blog post, so the development of them
takes so much longer too! So I will wait patiently but with eager expectation
to see the story that God is writing in my life come together.