Monday, 16 November 2020

Episode 154 - Faith Like This

Apparently, the Bible records 37 miracles that Jesus performed. I say apparently because I haven’t actually counted for myself because I’m lazy (read efficient?) but it sounds about right so I’m happy to accept it. About two-thirds of these miracles were healings (I know, really going for pinpoint accurate statistics today). There are two which have struck me recently. The first is the healing of a centurion’s servant. The centurion asks Jesus to heal his servant but says that there’s no need for Jesus to travel to the servant because He can just say the word and the servant would be healed. Jesus extols the centurion’s faith, and the servant is healed by the time the centurion gets home. The second is the healing of a woman who had been suffering with bleeding for twelve years and had spent everything she had on doctors and medicine to no avail. She pushed through the crowd just hoping to touch the edge of Jesus’ robe because she believed if she did, she would be healed. She reached out and touched His robe and was healed. And Jesus declared that it was because of her faith that she had been healed.

When I first thought about these two stories, I hoped that my faith was more like the centurions than the woman who reached out to Jesus’ robe. The centurion is a striking character, one who exudes confidence. On the other hand, the woman who reached out to Jesus’ robe comes across as someone who has lost control and is desperate. I am ashamed to say that my immediate response was to be quite judgemental of the two characters and to jump to conclusions. I even wondered that if the woman who had suffered with bleeding had the faith of the centurion, she would have been healed a long time before. I’m fairly sure it doesn’t work like that though and I realised that I had been looking at it all wrong. The stories were not about these characters but about Jesus. And one person’s faith was not better than another’s, because it wasn’t about the faith they had, but about who they had faith in. And the amazing thing is that whatever our faith is, even if we are too weak to utter any words at all, Jesus is the same powerful loving healer to us all.

Monday, 2 November 2020

Episode 153 - All I can do


Sometimes all you can do is pray. There are times in life where we see pain and struggle and our hearts are moved to compassion to help. But sometimes there is no route for our compassion to blossom into action. It remains inside of us burning to be released by some kind of response to what we see. Sometimes all you can do is pray. These words are my response to some such situation. And even as I speak then I am filled with shame at the place within me from which they came. It's not that there is no truth in them. There is. There are often times where prayer is the only thing we can do to help. But these words echo a belief which I do not hold but often act like I do. That prayer is a last resort. That prayer is what you do when there is nothing else to be done. That prayer is the least constructive form of help and the one which is least likely to be successful. 

I know that that's not true so why do I so often act like it, and where do these words come from? Prayer is the most powerful thing I can do and should be the very first thing I reach to when my heart yearns to help. It's not that I shouldn't help in other ways too, of course I should in any way I feel able and moved to, but if my help isn't founded in God's strength, then how much weaker will that help be. I don't know if it's my desire for my help to be recognised or just my nature to trust in my own strength but whatever it is I know that they hold me back from helping as I truly want to. There are sometimes where all I can do is pray, but always, I can pray.