Monday, 15 March 2021

Episode 160 - Walk While the Weathers Good

Saturday was a beautiful sunny day. Really sunny. I very nearly went for a walk, but I didn’t. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to go for a walk, I did, but I had already planned out my weekend. The plan included a walk, but not on Saturday, on Sunday. You see, I had lots to do this weekend, and I wanted to get all those things done first and then have a walk, so that I would know that all the things have been done and I would be able to make extra time if I needed to. 

It’s not that I couldn’t do those things on Sunday and walk on Saturday, it just seemed safer, more responsible, and better accounting of time to do it this way. And so I got everything done on Saturday as planned and I got to go for my walk on Sunday. On Sunday the sky was thick with black clouds and the wind was howling. To be honest I love moody atmospheric weather like this so I didn’t really mind, but as I was walking, it got me thinking, did I actually have good reason to not go walking on Saturday, or did I miss out on the good weather simply because of bad decision making and over reliance on sticking to my plans no matter what.

There are things in my life that God has given to me to do, and I do my best to make sure that I do these things the best that I can. But now I wonder if I sometimes worry so much about them that I miss other opportunities that God brings to me because I’m so focused on what I already have been given and how I’ve decided that I’m going to do them rather than being willing to see God’s new opportunities, listen to His guiding and trust that He’s able to help fit all of it in if He’s leading me to do it.