This week I’ve been staying with my parents (with whom I am in a bubble). Whilst I was here, they got a new doorbell. It’s a very fancy doorbell. By that I mean that it doesn’t simply go ding dong when you press it, but it lights up and plays any tune from a choice of about fifty. (yes, I know I have very low standards of what constitutes fancy). After much deliberation it currently plays a low fidelity version of the Fur Elise. The first couple of times that it rang my mum jumped up after being startled by this unfamiliar noise and started search the house trying to work out which phone was ringing until I pointed out that it was the doorbell.
She has now become familiar with the sound, but unfortunately has not yet associated it with someone being at the door. So, when the doorbell does ring, she completely ignores it as though it was someone else’s phone ringing, until I mention that there’s someone at the door. She then looks at me with a puzzled expression wondering why I would say such a thing until she remembers that we’ve changed the doorbell. It’s funny how you can get familiar with a sound to the point that you no longer hear it. I sometimes wonder if at times I get like that with God’s voice. That I get so used to God prompting me that I don’t recognise that he’s doing it anymore, until someone points it out. I guess we all need someone to help us to hear the doorbell sometimes, no matter how loud it is. I’m blessed to be surrounded by people who can recognise God’s voice.