I’m quite a visual thinker, I love graphs and maps. I also
love a good analogy. I think as a consequence I’ve always been fascinated by
symbols; images chosen to represent something else. As a child I would stare at
my book of flags for hours on end and I find the national animals of different
countries endlessly entertaining.
Now I don’t know how each of the countries in
the UK and Ireland came up with their representative animals, but I like to
think that they held a meeting that went something like this;
Ireland: We choose the Red Deer. It is a strong and majestic
creature that perfectly portrays our land and none of you will find a better
England: Okay, we’ll have a Lion.
Ireland: You can’t do that! You don’t have any Lions in
England: We are a mighty commonwealth which has annexed many
foreign lands, some of which, have Lions.
Scotland: Okay then, we’ll have a Unicorn
England: A what?
Scotland: A Unicorn
Ireland: this is ridiculous
England: You can’t have a Unicorn
Scotland: Why not
Ireland: Yeah, why not if you can have a Lion?
England: Because there are no Unicorns in Scotland or any
Country a Scottish person has ever stepped foot in
Scotland: Unicorns are mentioned throughout our many
cultural works
Scotland: Shut up.
England Have you ever seen a Unicorn?
Scotland: Have you ever not seen a Unicorn?
England: What? Come on Wales, help me out, tell Scotland
that they’re…
Wales: DRAGON!
England: What!?
Wales: Dragon. We’ll have a DRAGON!
Scotland: Ooooh, good choice.
England: No. No, no, no. Nooooo, Not good choice. You can’t
have a Dragon.
Wales: RAAAAAARRRRRRRRR! And it’s pronounced Draig.
Scotland: Then it’s settled.
Ireland: Your Lion looks a bit rubbish now doesn’t it?
So I know that it’s unlikely that’s how it happened, but I
like to imagine it could be. Still, it makes you think doesn’t it? Why did each
country chose as they did. What did they want to portray about their country
for all the world to see and think about them? Were they accurate
representations? If I were to choose an animal to represent to the world what I
want them to think of me what would I choose? And how well does my life live up
to it?