I’m currently in the middle of three weeks that I will spend
volunteering at my old college. I have mainly been helping in the kitchen so
far. I have never worked in a kitchen before. And before you say it, yes I have
cooked before! But working in a kitchen is very different, they have deep fat
fryers, and food mixers the size of normal ovens. Everything is much much
bigger and most meals are made for at least sixty people as opposed to six at
most. And it’s not just the equipment and the scale of everything which was new
to me. All of the tasks are new to me too, even the simple things needed to be
explained thoroughly so that I understood exactly what I was required to do for
each task.
At first it is quite uncomfortable being in a totally
unfamiliar environment, not just not knowing where anything is kept, but also
not knowing what most of the stuff there is either! On top of that there is the
not knowing how to engage with your surroundings, how to do even simple tasks,
not knowing how to do the very work that you are there to do. It must be said
that in many of these respects it’s not too dissimilar to doing “missionary”
work abroad! I have to say that although not comfortable at first, and a little
frustrating, I think it has been good for me.
For most of our lives we spend our times in places that are
familiar to us doing things that we have done many times before. Even when we
do go to new places or try new things they usually have aspects of familiarity to
us and we usually only engage with them for a short time before returning to
more familiar places or activities. Being immersed in the unfamiliar for long
periods of time has helped remove some of my self-reliance, my pride, my inward
focus and my blinkeredness to others. It has helped me to cultivate under used
skills, not just cutting carrots and peeling potatoes, but things like asking
for help and advice.
There seems to be a sort of sweet spot in the world of the unfamiliar.
Just beyond the overwhelming disorder but before familiarity sets in, where
something special seems to take place, where all of this seems to happen. And I
can’t help noticing that all through our lives God seems to keep bringing us to
that place, to new and unfamiliar things. Partly this is undoubtedly because He
always has so much more that He wants for us, but I’m also starting to see that
perhaps he wants to help keep us in that place; a place where we come to Him
rather than looking to our own wisdom for the answers. I just wonder if
sometimes I let my own comfort keep me in my familiar places and stop me from
following Him into the unfamiliar places of God.