Sunday, 27 August 2017

Episode 74 - Trusting God in the Unknown

In an outrageous act of recycling, this week I thought I'd share an article I wrote for the MAF monthly prayer devotion about my current situation (to read the original or to sign up to receive these devotions each month by e-mail, click here), so here it is...

There was once a guy called Paul. You’ve probably heard of him. He brought Christianity to Europe and wrote much of the New Testament. But, sometime before all that, he felt called by God to tell the Good News about Jesus Christ to what is now modern-day Turkey. Turkey and the surrounding area was the socio-economic hub of the world at that time, so making an influence there would be a way of influencing the world. It was a big job and one that Paul was no doubt excited about. However, only a short way into his journey, he found that he was unable to share God’s Word there.

In some ways, I can relate. At the beginning of 2015, I felt God call me to go to Papua New Guinea (PNG) to serve the people there with my engineering skills. It wasn’t that I thought this would be a good thing to do, or that it was something of which God would approve. No, God made it irrevocably clear that this was what He wanted me to do. It happened with a clarity I couldn’t doubt and a certainty that I knew I’d need to hold on to in the future — although I didn’t know why at the time.

Getting stuck in
In the summer of 2016, I moved to PNG and began to work with MAF there. I very much enjoyed myself, settled in well, and like to think that I made an impact for God’s glory there too. But after six months, I became ill and had to come back to England to be treated. Much about my illness still remains a mystery. The prognosis for my recovery in the future is good, but when this will occur is totally unclear. I am very much in a time of uncertainty.

It is easy to question whether I misunderstood what God was telling me when I felt called, but I know this is not the case. It’s easy to feel that I failed in some way, that I wasn’t strong enough, but I know this was always God’s work and it was only because of His strength that I’d be able to achieve this task – a strength that I know never fails. It’s easy to feel lost because, well, I am. But that’s okay, because I’m travelling with God and He doesn’t just have the map, He made it!

The Bible doesn’t tell us how Paul felt when he was unable to carry out his plans. It’s also unclear as to why Paul wasn’t able to share the Good News about Jesus. It does however tell us that God was the author of this interruption. It also tells us what Paul did next. He carried on! He tried to preach throughout the whole region and, when he wasn’t able to, he moved on to the next. He carried on and on until he found himself at the very tip of Turkey. From there, God led him to bring the Gospel to Europe, which would remain the social and economic hub of the world for the next 2,000 years. It was something Paul could never have known at the time, but was something God had planned all along.

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Episode 73 - Words of Enocuragement

I'm feeling pretty wiped out this week, so I'm just gonna leave you with two passages of encouragement that come to mind, hopefully they'll bless you just as they bless me... I wouldn’t get a big head, I was given the gift of a handicap to keep me in constant touch with my limitations. Satan’s angel did his best to get me down; what he in fact did was push me to my knees. No danger then of walking around high and mighty! At first I didn’t think of it as a gift, and begged God to remove it. Three times I did that, and then he told me,
My grace is enough; it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift. It was a case of Christ’s strength moving in on my weakness. Now I take limitations in stride, and with good cheer, these limitations that cut me down to size—abuse, accidents, opposition, bad breaks. I just let Christ take over! And so the weaker I get, the stronger I become.
- 2 Corintians 12: 7-10

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
- Matthew 11: 28-30

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Episode 72 - Singing Songs to Heaven

As I have shared some of my own poetry with you in the past, this week I thought I'd share some Papua New Guinean words. I was looking through my Tok Pisin song book from a rural church and thought it would be nice to translate a few songs for you, so here goes (please forgive my poor translation)...

Oh God you are a watchman

Oh God you are a watchman
You are always watching over my life
Everywhere I go
Everywhere I stay
You are always watching over my life

When I get on a plane
Or I travel by boat
When I travel by bus
You are always watching over my life

On the mountain top

On the mountain top
Go down into the valley
Cross the seas and keep on going
Come and sing
Come and be happy
We hold hands and shout to Jesus

He will make you jump up and dance
He will make you cry with joy
Around the river of God
He will change your life

By the waters edge, the water has life
Angels with us holding hands
Doesn’t matter if you’re from the coast, Doesn’t matter if you’re from the Highlands
We hold hands and shout to Jesus

I’m a no good man, but Jesus received me 
I’m a no good woman, but Jesus received me 
I’m like a confused child
But Jesus received me 

Holy Spirit you are like fire
Holy Spirit you are like water
Holy Spirit you are like a wind from heaven coming down

You make me jump, jump
Yu make me dance, dance
You’re making me and my mind receive heaven

The word of God is very sweet

The word of God is very sweet 
It is like a peanut
It  pierces man’s heart 
The word of God is very sweet

Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
The word of God is very sweet

In Papua New Guinean culture the seat of emotions is considered to be the stomach (in contrast to the heart in western culture) In the last song, the word that I have translated heart actually means stomach and so the comparison of the bible being like a peanut actually has great depth and is a very clever analogy and refers to the way in which it satisfies our very being not just our hunger. I love reading the words to Papua New Guinean worship songs and the way that the explore and celebrate God and His creation, I hope you've found it enjoyable too!

Sunday, 6 August 2017

Episode 71 - Done

I'm done
I can't do this anymore, I'm done
Whatever it is that's fighting me
I'm ready to say it's finished, you've won

My mind cannot think, it can't add two plus two
It can no longer tell what's false and what's true
My body keeps finding new ways to rebel
What it will be today, there is no way to tell
My spirit inside isn't willing to give in
but it no longer believes there's any way it can win

I'm not looking for sympathy and I don't mean to pout
I'm just desperately looking to find the way out
It's not that I no longer want to follow this plan
It's just that I really no longer think that I can
I'm exhausted and empty, I'm used up and I'm spent
I'm battered and broken, I'm bashed up and I'm bent
I feel like a song and the tune is still me
but the words don't fit the rhythm and I'm singing out of key

I've never been perfect, of that I am sure
But I've never been in this kind of place before
For all of my failings up to now
I've always had enough understanding to know how
To improve myself
Enthuse myself
And loose Myself
of the wrong and the old
Go to the Gym
Or put on a grin
Lift up my chin
And let the new unfold

But this isn't a problem with a solution I can bring
Nor a fight I can win and I'm flat on the floor of the ring
I have no way to start a new revolution
To bring this back to order and find a resolution
This can't be fixed with a new health regime
with working harder, or another release of dopamine

Because it's not about me, or my characters attire
I just happen to be here and got caught in the crossfire
Of happenstance and cosmic circumstance
Just bad luck and a matter of chance
There's no-one to blame, not even cause and effect
Just one of those things you couldn't expect

I'm not a special case deserving special attention
It's not like this is some new invention
Bad luck and circumstance happen all the time
And many are those who are victims of their crime
I am by no means surprised that such things can be
And I have no objection that it should happen to me
But the problem remains, though as deserving as any
I can't take any more, I need it to stop already
I'm waving the white flag, hoping the whistle will blow
I'm hoping that now some mercy it'll show

I've become a person that I know I am not
The person I know I am, seems completely forgot
Perhaps this is the real me inside
having striped away the things that I use to hide
But to tell the truth I don't like him so much
I preferred him with all the things he used as a crutch

But perhaps that is what this is all about
To throw all of what I think I am, into doubt
And make me question my own personal health
And to allow God to change what I can't change about myself
Because God is my own personal trainer
Walking with me always and pulling me from danger
So if this is the path He wants me to take
I know that it will be for my sake

But I still can't do this, I've got nothing left
Yet I know that He will never leave me completely bereft
I know that I am not completely lost
Because He already paid the greatest cost
So I will thank God that I cannot quit
Because if I could I'd have already said; "enough, that's it"
And missed out on the fullness of this lesson
Whatever comes of it I know will be a blessing

I can't do anymore, so I will stand still
And all I have left to learn, I'll let God fulfil
Not that I'm saying this will be easy or pain free
But I'll draw comfort from knowing God is with me
So I will just rest and dream of what I'll become
When all this is over, finished and done